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Date: Jul 17, 2002

This word is submitted by Jane Larsen (jlarsen65@hotmail.com)


                           The Birth

Your time to birth is almost here.  You have wondered why your progress has
been slow.  You have wondered why your steps seem small.  You have wondered
why at times you seem to be stationery in the one place, but you have not
been.  You have been being made ready.  You have been preparing.  The wait
has been for a reason.  The time of aloness has been for a reason.  I have a
plan for you.  I have a calling that is laid upon you and the time to birth
is almost upon you, look, here it is coming, when the calling upon your life
shall be birthed and it shall be done when you are ready.

I will not send you into the wilderness unprepared and only half strong.  
I will not send you into places of need when you first need to spend time
growing in me.  I send you complete, I send you strengthened, I send you

Now you move slow, yet you move, you move with me.  This has been  a season
of growth.  This has been a season of learning.  This has been a season
where you have leant on me and called out to me and sought me with all your
heart and mind and spirit.  I have heard you as you called, I have heard, I
have seen and I am birthing.  What you carry is what I have planned for you,
what I mapped out, it is what I have called you to do.

Be still a little longer, just a little while.  For in a moment it will be
time, the right time, the chosen time, for you to fly unhindered in the
freedom and power that I have wrapped you in, always keeping your eyes upon
me and your heart in my word.  You are unchained.  You are unfettered, you
are free indeed when you are free in me.  Do not sweat and do not struggle
for I am surrounding and keeping you in this place till the season is right.
Not long, it is not long.