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Date: Jul 16, 2004

This word is submitted by Joyce De Pauw (joyced@napervillecc.org)


                       Come Walk With Me

Don't you hear Me calling sweetly into the twilight? Come walk with Me in
the evening dew. Shadows are lengthening, but I am with you. Do not strive.
Rest in Me. Allow Me to speak life and peace into your soul. Who have you
but Me? Spend time with Me. Let Me touch those secret places of longing
within you. Let Me bring fulfillment and completeness into your inner
being. I have longed to do this for so long, but you resist. Today decide
to allow Me the freedom to touch you, change you, complete you. I cannot
not do this without your compliance. I have rescued you from the fires and
the floods. Now allow Me to gently woo you to that place of intimacy. Look
through My eyes. See yourself as I see you. Linger with me in the twilight
as the darkening sky swallows the last pink drops of evening light. Have no
fear of the dark.