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Date: July 16, 2003

This word is submitted by James Donovan (JDono78832@aol.com)


                      Releasers of Life

This is the day, time and season for My servants, the prophets, flow in My 
anointing.  I have called you to speak forth My oracles and be releasers of 
My spirit on this earth.  

As you flow in My anointing My boldness you shall see My people set free to 
flow in My anointing, My boldness, My authority, I am leading My people to 
strengthen and encourage by My words of Life. I am the way, the truth, 
the life as My people flow in Me. They shall arise and be free to worship Me. 
They shall have freedom and liberty in their spirit man. So arise and flow in 
My anointing, My liberty, My freedom and the leading of My voice and you 
shall see the captives set free. You shall see mountains of doubt and sorrow 
and hopelessness disappear. You shall see a abundance of My rain, My glory 
releasing the captives as you are obedient to My voice.

So arise and go forth be bearers of My good news, release the prisoners to 
flow in Me.  Arise and be releasers of truth and life for those in darkness. 
You shall see My light reign over darkness.