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Date: July 11, 2008

This word is submitted by Yolanda Ballard [roarnworship@cfl.rr.com]


                    Cry Out and Press In

Cry out to Me with your whole heart, with your whole mind, and with 
your whole soul, for I am calling you to come up higher, but I need 
to hear you cry out to Me. This is a time of great awakening for My 
people to come to the place where I am calling them to.
Press in to know Me in even a greater way than ever before. You need 
to know and be able to hear My still, small voice to give you the 
directions to safety which is in walking My perfect will. Each step 
that you take will be an important move, and you need to be lead 
completely by My Spirit and not by your own will.
These are treacherous times, and the enemy has many traps set to 
ensnare you. It is so important now than ever before that you crucify 
your flesh, pick up your cross, and follow Me. For you must die in 
order to have My resurrection power flowing through you. 

So cry out, and press in know Me, and do not fear the schemes of 
your enemy against you; for when you walk in My spirit, nothing can
by any means can harm you. So be bold and be strong, for the Lord 
your God is with you!!!