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Date: Jul 11, 2002

This word is submitted by Joseph Todd (joseph@toddministries.org)


            He's the Lifter of Our Heads!

The LORD your God has set the land before you; go up and possess it, as the
LORD God of your fathers has spoken to you; do not fear or be discouraged.
Deut 1:21

I look down upon My remnant and many have become discouraged, even some of
My chosen and anointed intercessors. But I remind you that you are a royal
priesthood, a chosen generation and the kings and priests that I've
commissioned to possess the land set before you.

Have I not sent My prophets to proclaim My promises to you? Have I not
released My apostles and prophets and intercessors to establish and declare
and birth the advancement of My kingdom; and are you not an integral part 
of My kingdom advancement where hope is not deferred?

This is not the time to be discouraged but instead rejoice for every
promise I've made to you shall come to pass as I proclaimed to you in our
special times together. I know what you are going through and you must
remember that this must be and will always be with those who are pursuing 
My will and My purpose for My church and My people.

Those that have not heeded My voice may be prospering now but only for a
season, whereas the rewards I have for you are for now and forever. You have
prayed and prophesied and declared and established and have done well; now,
not later, your words and works will come to life.

Don't become discouraged about what others say to you, about you or against
you, for their words are as hollow vats that appear of substance on the
outside but are empty on the inside. Their words have no power against you
because I am your protector and I shall shatter all these empty vessels.

I am the One who declares and establishes and releases and anoints; what
can mortal man say or do that could come against My will for you unless you
allow it? Stand strong and be brave for you are coming into your season and
the fullness of your calling; your gifts will be known because they are
being used in accordance with My will and desires and not for your personal

It's not important that you are not known except by Me; it is so because of
My plans for you. Many that are known by man and have built up works to both
impress and benefit from man's approval are no more than clouds that will
dissipate when I release the fullness of My anointing and My glory upon you
My servants, My kings, My priests and My remnant people in waiting.

You will not fail or be discouraged because the time is approaching when
your reaping will overtake your sowing! Be glad in that and rejoice!