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Date: Jul 9, 2002

This word is submitted by Fred Kelly (fredkelly@prodigy.net)


                        Dear Children

You are dear unto Me says the Lord.  You are dear unto Me, for you are My
children.  I wrap My loving arms around you, and draw you close unto Me.
For I love you. I pour forth My anointing within you, to strengthen you, 
and encourage you, and to bring you forth from the depths of the things 
that the enemy has tried to put you down with.  I draw you out of those 
things when you allow Me to wrap My arms around you, because you are dear 
unto Me.  

I pour My love down within you.  As I do so, it is My strength that is 
imparted unto you, to give you the ability to be the over comer that I 
have called you to be.  For you shall overcome the darkness that the enemy 
has tried to push against you from the left, and the right, from behind, 
and from the front.  I have surround you, and I am your strength.  For 
you called unto Me and asked Me to come and dwell within you, and if you 
call Me to come and dwell within you, am I not your strength?  Am I not 
your glory?  Am I not the one that defeats the enemy, and casts him out?  

The victory has already been won, says God.  For I have declared it in 
the heavenly, and I have declared it in the earth, and I have declared it 
in My word, which I have imparted into you.  Take a hold of My word, and
allow My word to strengthen you, and to encourage you, and to bring forth
the power that I would have you to walk in.  And that power is the strength
that comes through My anointing.  My Holy Spirit living within you and
imparting unto you those things that you need to carry forth your everyday
life, in those things which I have called you to walk in.  I've called you
to walk in the strength of My anointing and My anointing that brings forth
from the very depths of My root that come up unto you and flows into you as
a branch and it produces the fruit within you that brings forth life to all
those round about you.  For they see the strength that comes through you,
that is imparted from Me.  You are dear unto Me says the Lord, very dear,
and I love you says God.