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Date: Jul 5, 2005

This word is submitted by Tina Ames (tinaames@charter.net)



Now is the time to shout for joy for the victory that awaits you!

You are about to cross the finish line.  I have drawn a line in front of 
you to cross over into something new, into a promised land that is yours 
to keep, a place of provision and security. I am the only real security 
in the universe. Nothing is safe apart from Me. Fear is a trap. Run to Me.  
Run into My arms. I am waiting to embrace you as you finish your race. As 
a parent who watches their child takes the first steps, so I am eagerly 
awaiting your overcoming as you finish your course that was loaded with 

There have been many hidden dangers that I have protected you from, and 
I have thwarted the darts of the enemy.

Be prepared for battle! Don't cower down, stand and take the armor given 
to you, make sure it is on! All I require of you is that you stand -- you 
must stand! Don't look back; only look ahead straight to Me. I have your 
future in My Hand! Take your spear and throw it.  I have the bow that
will propel the arrow into the enemy's camp on your behalf! Now, shout 
for joy for the battle belongs to Me! I am the Eternal Victorious King 
who covers you!