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This word is submitted by Mary Yamamoto (COVENANTKEEPERS@prodigy.net)


Seek the Fresh Anointing

Open thine heart to Me
        and I will pour in fragrant oil.
Lift to Me thy cup
        and I will fill it to overflowing with the waters of life.
Bring to Me all thy need
        and I will supply abundantly out of My fulness.
I am not a man that I should be limited,
        but I long to give and to give again and again.
This is not a matter of My granting to thee one great supply
        to be stored and used little by little as needed,
but I give to you a fresh outpouring as each need arises-
        yea, and BEFORE the need arises
that ye may be prepared in advance
and that in each emergency ye may have no lack.
I give to thee in order that ye may serve Me
        as a channel of blessing to others.
I know those who shall come,
        and I know the specific need of each individual case,
and thus I give you exactly what will be suitable for each one.
So be diligent to come,
        for why should I send anyone unto thee if ye are not prepared?
And if ye be prepared, I will not fail to send to thee the very ones
        for whom I have made the provision.
Ye need not seek them out.
        How, verily, canst thou know?
But I Myself shall send whom I choose
        and thou shalt marvel!