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Date: July 1, 2003

This word is submitted by Janet Duby (jduby17@aol.com)



You say you're desperate for Me. And I see your hearts. See My heart, My 
people. I long for you so much more than you can comprehend. I Am desperate 
for you. My passion for you exceeds your expectations. I long for your 
closeness more than you long for air. Know this secret, children, I do not 
share My heart with everyone who says the words. But I share it with you 
because you have learned how very much you need Me. You have become humble 
because you have learned that I AM GOD and apart from Me you have nothing. 

To those who have laid down their hopes and dreams, I say, "Come. You are 
welcome to the secrets of My heart." To those I say that nothing shall be 
impossible for you for I AM ABLE. You seek My glory- you will see it because 
I Am already moving mightily in your midst. Nothing is impossible. Nothing is 

When you pick up My dream, there is nothing that is undone. When you pick up 
My dream, you are dwelling in the only reality that there is. You no longer 
have only the darkened mirror, but you have all the resources I possess. When 
you let everything go and let Me be Lord and God, I will manifest Myself- and 
the lost, those for whom you've shed tears of grief, will be drawn to Me 
because you will be out of the way, having laid it all at My feet.

And what is "it all"? It is the last bit of self that you are holding on to 
in whatever form it is still comfortable for you. Lay it down. Lay it down 
with the rest of your hopes and dreams. You are doing well. Do this one more 
thing and stand back! I am poised and ready to move. Release My power just by 
stepping out of My way.

Here I come.