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This word is submitted by Betty Russell

Time to Grow Up

As I was praying April 20th, this year, God spoke to my heart about His people, and then, later he gave me this word. Please pray for discernment as I respectfully and prayerfully submit it.
Betty Russell.

It is time to put away the childish things, time to put aside the bitterness and strife, time to stand and walk as soldiers of the Army of God, Time for the church to recognize who we are in Christ and that He is our Captain. This is not the time to try to shorten the Hand of the Almighty God, but the time to move out of our apathy, out of our traditions and let God be God.

We are His people, Called by His Spirit, and Set upon a mighty hill. The enemy has already been conquered, if we will live in the victory He has provided.

We have only experienced a glimpse of things to come, just touched the hem of the garment. Overcome ourselves.

"My people need to get over it and let ME be God in my House!" were the words I heard. "The latter rain is indeed greater than the former rain. It is time! Let go, Quit trying to walk in your own strengths, quit trying to run your race. Follow ME! Let ME be your God, not just in words, but in your hearts, in your spirit, in your very beings. When You let go, When you LET GO, WHEN YOU LET GO, then will I move among you in mighty ways which you can not even imagine.

"But be ready, clothe yourselves in my armour for it will be as a mighty wind descending upon you, Those that have ears to hear, let them hear, and those that have eyes to see, let them see. I AM that I AM, the beginning and the end. The Truth and the Light. Let them see ME as they come, not a stagnant well, but a well filled with LIVING WATER. "