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Date: June 29, 2006

This word is submitted by James Donovan [jdono78832@aol.com]


                 Draw Nigh Unto Me

These are the days to draw nigh unto Me and resist the tactics and strategies
of the devil.  I am calling forth a people who will hear My voice and be
doers of My word in these days.  Beware the enemy comes like a thief to
destroy and steal, so put on the full armor of God in these days.

I am raising up a people who will lay down flesh and worldly desire and pick
up My cross and follow Me diligently. I am raising up a people who will be 
used of Me and will be conduits of My love. Release My oracles to encourage, 
edify and comfort My people.  Press into Me and receive My light which 
destroys all darkness. I have called you to be My torch-bearers and to speak 
forth My oracles.

Praise Me,  worship Me and press into Me, so you can hear from Heaven and be
a releaser of life.  Keep your eyes and mouth lifted to Me. Glorify Me with
all your actions and let all flesh die and fall away. Let all pride fall away
and put on My garments and take  My sword and speak forth words of life. So
come closer to Me and receive of Me!