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Date: Jun 28, 2002

This word is submitted by Teresa Seputis (ts@godspeak.org)


      Peace In The Midst Of The Storm

Fret not and do not fear, Child of Mine, I am near.
Know that I am with you, for I am faithful and true.
Know that My hand of protection rests upon you,
And know that I will never abandon you.

Yes, the storm rages around you.
And though it may appear that I am unaware,
I am present with you and My hand is upon you
and you have no cause to fear.

It is true that I slept on the boat
while the storm raged and My disciples feared.
I knew My Father's hand would guild us safely to land
and that His faithfulness would keep us afloat.

It is My desire that you will have this same peace
when you walk through your own storm.
So, have faith that My presense will not cease
And know that I will keep you safe from harm.

Child, I am with you, trust in that.
Know that wherever you go,
I go with you and My angels surround you,
and I meet you in the place where you are at.

Yet I am calling you to a highter place;
I am calling you to trust.
So know that I go with you
and that I will work My glory and grace
in each situation that you face.