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Date: Jun 27, 2005

This word is submitted by Teresa Seputis (ts@godpeak.org)


                  Fulfill Your Destiny

Know your calling, child, and walk in it. Too many of My children are trying 
to be a "Jack Of All Trades," and do not learn to specialize in the areas 
that I have called them to. Others of My children decide they want a 
different calling than the one I have prepared for them.  They pursue 
things other than the areas in which I have gifted them. This ought not to 
be.  Child, your ministry obligation is that which I have called you to 
and prepared you for, and nothing else.

Look at the example of My Son, Jesus.  He knew His calling and He fulfilled 
it diligently.  Because of this, He was anointed with My Spirit without 
measure.  He watched Me and did only what He saw Me doing.  And though He 
had a heart of compassion and a heart to heal all of the sick, He healed 
only one at the pool of Bethesda. Why did He heal only one instead of 
healing all the masses as He did at other places?  It is because He watched 
what I was doing and did only that.  And though He healed many while He 
walked on this earth, His primary call was not as a healer of bodies, but 
as a restorer of souls, as the Savior of mankind.  He understood His 
destiny and He stuck to it.

And look to Peter, who was called to the Jews but not to the nations.  He 
knew to stay and minister in Jerusalem and to lead the early church as it 
formed. Where would the leadership for My church have been if he wandered
out among the nations?  

Then there is Paul, who was called to the nations instead of to the Jews.  
If My servant Paul had tried to minister only to the Jews, his ministry 
would have been cut short, and he would have been killed before his time, 
for I sent him out to gather the other sheep into My folds. And even though 
Paul's heart was for his own people, the Jews, more than for any other 
nationality, he obeyed his calling and became a light to the Gentiles.  
Because He obeyed Me in his calling, he was highly successful in his 
ministry, and because of him, many were brought into the kingdom.  Child, 
what would have happened if Paul had followed his heart instead of obeying 
Me in where I placed him and doing what I called him to do?  Would the 
light of the gospel have gone out to the nations? Would those many books 
of the Bible have been written?

Likewise with you, child, I have a plan and a purpose. I have a call and
a destiny on your life.  You must not covet and copy the call that I have
placed on another.  Instead, learn and understand the call that I have
placed on your own life and do that.  Child, true fulfillment and ultitmate
satisfaction will only come when you do the things I have called you to
do. If you try to do another's calling instead of your own, you will fall
flat and you will not be satisfied.  

Likewise, if you try to do what I have called you to do, but you attempt 
to do it in your own strength or from your own resources, you will also 
fall flat on your face. Child, you must watch Me and see what I am doing.  
Then you will be able to do it with Me.  And what I am doing in another's 
life will not be the same as what I am doing in your life.  So do not 
pattern yourself after what others are doing to serve Me. Learn from Me 
what I have called you to and begin to do that.  Some of My children are 
called to minister one on one to the wounded.  If such a one tries to 
teach before a group to train and equip, they will fall flat, for they 
have not been anointed for this.  Likewise, if one of those who I have 
appointed as a warrior for My kingdom tries to minister to the hurting, 
they will end up trampling the wounded one and doing more harm than good. 
This is because they are called and gifted to fight and war rather than 
to nurse the wounded back to health.

Child, you have been uniquely created for that which I have called you to
do.  You were created with a specific destiny in mind, and your full and
ultimate fulfillment can only come when you perform precisely that destiny.
I have appointed some as leaders, some as workers. I have appointed some
as comforters and others as warriors. I have appointed some as teachers and
others as trail-blazers.  I have appointed some as evangelists and others
as encouragers to the body.  Child, there are many different roles and
callings in My body, and only one is precisely yours. If I have created
you as an eye, then do not try to function as a foot.  If I have created 
you as an ear, then do not try to function as a mouth.  

If I have created you as a hand, then I will not attach you to the knee.
No, I will attach you to the wrist where you belong.  You will function 
most effectively in the place where I put you. So come to Me, child; learn 
your destiny and calling from Me and then begin to function in it.  For
yes, I do have a call and a destiny on your life.  And yes, I have given
you important things to do for Me in My kingdom.  And when you come to Me 
to learn what I desire to teach you, I will fully equip you. I will speak 
to your heart and to your mind of your calling. I will place My anointing 
upon you. I will set you firmly in place and I will release you to fulfill 
your destiny.