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Date: Jun 26, 2002

This word is submitted by Chris Fletcher (PropheticVoice18@msn.com)


      Warring For Your Cities And Reaching Out To Them!

God is beginning to shift the minds of His people into what the early 
Church experienced. He's positioning us to step into the greatest move 
of God we've yet to experience, and He's not only taking those who are 
qualified. He's taking anyone of His believers who will say "Here am 
I Lord, SEND ME! (Isaiah 6:8)

The Lord began to show me a vision of those who were recently oppressed 
by spirits of religion, tradition, and many others. They began to rise up 
from among their pews. At this point the Lord would begin to place swords 
in the hands of those people. Then the voice of the Lord said "Go to war." 

The people then proceeded out of their pews, out the doors of the churches, 
and right down the streets of their cities. The began to march with such a 
power and such an authority. Then one by one they began to witness to those 
on the streets and go door to door. The began to go into places of the enemy 
and take back that which is the Lord's. They began to reach out to the 
homeless, the prostitutes, and the drug dealers like never before. Many of 
the people were saved, delivered, healed, and filled with the Holy Ghost 
within minutes. 

The Lord was showing me the army that He had created. The Lord is now 
forming His troops and sending them out with great power and authority. 
Then the Lord began to ask the people, "Who can I send?" (Isaiah 6:8)
...........Will you answer that call?

For The Lord Would Say, 

"The enemy is attacking those who are called and chosen, but know that you 
must push through all of that and go into the enemy's camp to take back 
those whom the enemy has taken ahold of. You are authorized and 
commissioned to do so.

"Church, you've been commissioned to take My gospel to the ends of the earth. 
Fear not, for My angels are encamped all around you, and by My Spirit I will 
guide you. You must trust Me.  As I lead you, go together into the places 
of the enemy where others will not go and reach out to those whom I lead 
you to. For in this season I am releasing My apostolic authority for those 
who desire to use it for My glory.

"Begin to decree and declare a breaking within your cities, and then watch as 
I begin to release My angelic hosts. Prophesy to those ministries and those 
people which have become dormant. For this is the time in which I am raising 
them up. I am breaking off spirits of religion and tradition off of cities 
at an accelerated rate during this season. If you'll intercede I will bring 
down those demonic altars within your cities. I will cause My people to 
establish more of My altars. As My people continue to intercede and war in 
the heavenlies against those demonic strongholds, you will see them come 
down! I will loose My warring angels to the cities that are being interceded 
for. Continue to intercede on behalf of the un-saved within your cities. I 
will release My ministering angels to them and they will usher them into 
the moving of My Spirit."