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This word is submitted by Bret Wade (bretwade@theprophets.org)

Come To The Next Level

Prophecy delivered by Apostle Bret Wade

Come to the Next Level

There's a stirring within My body, says the Lord. It is by My hand that the stirring comes. For many this hour would say it's a time of rest. But I tell you it's a time of war. Many would tell you that it's a time to sit back. But I tell you it's high time now that you begin to awake and begin to arise. For now your salvation is clearer and stronger and even closer than ever before. For the Lord says, in the hour many would sit back and they would say, "we would have it this way and we would have it that", for their own comfort and their own desires. But I'm challenging every member of My body to come to a new level in Me. I ask you this day, will you go to that next level? Will you choose to walk with Me?

Truly, I bring change and I will change things in ways that they've not been understood in the past. But I will change it according to the pattern of that which I desire. You've heard it said that I'm changing the model...the paradigm. I've shifted things and I've set a new standard for that which I would have in this hour. Will you come to that standard and allow Me to cause you to go and do those things that I've asked you to do - that I've called you to do? For you thought in your minds that it would be this way and it would be that. But it's not the way that you've conceived it. It's not the way that you thought in your mind. But it's the way that I have in My heart, says the Lord.

For I know the plans that I have for you, to give you a future and a hope and not to cause harm. But to even bring you into that place that I desire for you to go, there is much change that is needed. There is no way that you can do it with your own arm. There is no way that you can do it with your own methods or your own ideas. It's only by My Spirit.

Where you would find there to be rubbing against one another and even rubbing against the ideas of one another, do you not know that this is not the hand of your enemy, but this is the hand of My Spirit. For the Lord says, I will cause those amongst you, even to provoke one another unto righteousness. Do you not know that I will cause a stirring in your hearts and a stirring in your midst. Do you not know that I can not take you to that next level until I cause you to be uncomfortable with where your at.

This is not an hour of comfort. This is not an hour of pacifying. This is not an hour of petting things and allowing them to remain where they are. This is an hour of jostling. This is an hour of shaking. This is an hour of changing. This is an hour of challenging. I challenge you this day, let me do those things in you that I said that I want to do through you, says the Lord. Because if I can't do them in you, I can not do them through you. I'll even give you the ability and the anointing and the desire to go into the fire and to be tested by My Spirit. Do you not know that I even walked through the flames, says the Lord.

Do you not know that I have even prepared the path for you. Go into that narrow place and allow me to enlarge you on the inside. You have to be enlarged on the inside, before you can be allowed to be enlarged on the outside. Allow Me to do those things and you'll not regret it. You'll not hold back and you'll see My glory...those things that you desire...My glory...My glory.

The shaking must come first, says the Lord. The shaking must come first before you see My hand. Do you not know that when My church said, "Lord, behold their threatenings", that I shook the whole place. But as I shook the whole place, I filled them with all boldness and they proclaimed My Word. Then they saw My Spirit like never before.

It's a time to arise and say, "Behold, Lord, we stir our hearts, even as you stir us! We go forward in you and we chose to go to this next level with you." As you do, I'll carry you there by My Spirit. It will not be the difficult thing that you thought it would be, because I'm not difficult, says the Lord.

Reaching for Heaven & Touching the Nations,
Apostle Bret A. Wade