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This word is submitted by Andrew Combe (JonCombe@aol.com)


That You May Prevail

As I have said, I will proclaim liberty to the captives. As I have promised, I will yield the harvest on every seed planted. In My Word it declares that I am faithful and just and what ever a man sows, that he will also reap.

In these days of trials by fire the sowing hasn't stopped and for this, I am pleased with My people. But I need for all of My children to come to the understanding that through the test you must be faithful. For trials locate people; their reaction reflects their relationship with Me.

My children, trials are not easy, for I know the pain enduring a trial brings. But I prevailed over the enemy that you may prevail.

Through every trial there are two doors. One door leads to victory and the other to failure. In each case, you must open the door. You must exercise or activate your faith to prevail and overcome the trial. For the speed of your reaction to the problem faced, enables Me to guide you through and over, into victory.

My Word holds the strategic movement you must take to press on through every situation. Rely on Me and My way forward and together we will overcome and press satan's neck closer to the ground. Make the choice today . . . . do not allow the situation, trial or test to overcome you. Stand firm in My truth, My Word and overcome in My strength. You see, nothing is gained when you fight your own battles your way and in your strength, for it will lead to exhaustion and failure. Many of My people are 'tired' because of this very thing, fighting the problem they face in their strength. This won't work, it only gives the enemy a bigger foothold to bring My children down. But I am here to raise you up! I am here that you might overcome.

Learn to trust Me . . . how? By first knowing Me and My Word, which will reveal My faithfulness. My Word is the key to open the door that leads to victory. I say to you today, use it. It's there in front of you! Open My truth and allow Me to feed you daily with overcoming strategic plans. For My Word holds the answers and as you read them, My Spirit will reveal them to you, that you may use My Word in action, which will produce life and victory!

I have given each and everyone of you, My children, overcoming power. The power is Me and as you lean on Me and trust in Me, you will walk through the valley of the shadow of death in victory!


Every blessing to you all,

Yours in Christ,