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Date: June 17, 2009

This word is submitted by Ian Ross [ian.ross@telkomsa.net]


                   My Love will Never Fail You


   "But you, O Lord, are a compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger,
   abounding in love and faithfulness."  -- Psalm 86:15

I am watching over you for good, My children, for you are close to My 
heart, and there is no good thing that I will withhold from you. I 
have planned your days from before your birth and I have seen the way 
in which you would walk before it was known. My love has always been 
with you and My favor has been your companion. 

Yet you have doubted Me; you have wondered at My love and provision for 
you, even when I poured out My grace over you. You looked the other way
many times, and instead of seeking Me, chose to follow your own way.
But despite this, My love will never fail you, and I will keep you 
according to My faithfulness and truth. 

You need not fear, My children, for I do not condemn you. I want you 
to learn My ways and know My heart for you. I am not cruel or 
unforgiving. No, I am a gracious God, long-suffering and patient. 
So remember My ways and My love for you--they will guide you into 
life and peace. No one shall touch you, for you are My beloved.