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Date: June 15, 2007

This word is submitted by Karen Lundquist [reverendkaren@volcano.net]


                    Take The Challenge

Dear ones, time grows shorter every day. I am looking for yielded
vessels. I am looking for those who will "take the challenge," to
look beyond themselves. Are you willing to reach out beyond your
comfort zone, to seek the lost?

Time grows shorter and there are lives weighing in the balance.
They are ready to receive you; they are ready to accept Me. They are
sick, they are torn, they are lost, and they are ready to receive Me
as Lord, the giver of life. Are you ready to take the challenge?

Men, women, and children of all walks of life are seeking truth and
comfort. Are you ready to take the challenge? I will show you. I will
lead you as I lead Moses. Many of My people will relocate. Some will
venture out into their own areas. Some will minister on foreign soil,
ministering to a people who are ready to receive Me. Are you ready to
take the challenge?

Is your heart right? Are you (ministers of the gospel) being lead by
the Holy Spirit? For I know your hearts. I know what motivates and moves
you to do the things you do. Take courage. Are you ready for the

Take Me with you wherever you go and we shall do great and mighty things.
For the greatest miracle of all is the saving of a soul. Are you ready
for the challenge?

Moses spoke out of fear. He did not trust Me at first. But he took the
challenge, He did become yielded. His heart desired to please Me. He
moved in the fear of the Lord. He left what he had become accustomed to.
He took the challenge and My people were set free from bondage. Moses
walked in obedience. He was a faithful friend and servant. Are you ready
to take the challenge I am bringing your way?

I am the Providence-Maker of your life. It is a delight to lead you in
the way you should go. Trust Me--it may seem difficult; it may seem
impossible. But with Me all things are possible, My beloved, My Dear
Ones. Be sensitive to My voice, for many will do exploits in My name.

I have been asking many to minister right where they are, and some will
change geographical locations, but surely, I am asking you to move out
in My name. Be sensitive and hear what I am asking of you. You are not
called you to be idle, stagnate and unyielding, no, you are called to be
active and to stir the atmosphere, you are called to ignite the fire of
My presence, to encourage and to proclaim the acceptable year of the
Lord. You are called to take the challenge!