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Date: June 15, 2006

This word is submitted by Jane Larsen (jlarsen65@hotmail.com)


                             In All Times

I will make you strong.  In times of weakness I will lift you up, on the
wings of Eagles, and you shall soar, soar above the problems, soar above the
turmoil, you shall soar and I shall set you free.  Free from all that has
chained you, free from all that has hurt you, free from all that has tied
you down.  I shall open your eyes and you shall see as you have never seen
before.  You shall see the truth, you shall see the way, and it will be
clear and fresh and certain, and on that way there shall be no confusion, no
distress, no pain, for it is I that shall set you free.

Come to me all you who are weary and heavy laden and I shall give you
strength.  I shall quench your thirst at the river, I shall feed your Spirit
with my word, and I shall stand before you through the tempest, through the
storms, through the darkest nights.  Come, just come and rest in the arms of
your Father.

Listen to me and feed from me.  I shall give you wisdom so you shall not
turn, so you shall walk straight and tall and free, with me at your side
until the end of time.  Never, Never will I leave you, never will I forsake
you and there is nothing that can separate us.  Listen.  There is nothing
that can separate us, for I loved you before you were and that love
surrounds you, in all times, in all seasons, always there is my love for

Be free in me.  My name is the name above all names and in it is freedom,
peace, love, tranquility.  Call upon me through all the times, the good and
the bad for there is nothing can stand between us.