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Date: Jun 13, 2005

This word is submitted by Teresa Seputis (ts@godpeak.org)



Draw close, child of Mine; draw close to Me. The accuser of your soul will 
do everything he can to try to make you pull away from Me.  He will try
to confuse you. He will try to discourage you. He will try to make you 
feel too dirty to approach Me. He will try to tell you that I am 
disappointed in you. Do not listen to any of these things, for they are 
not true.

I am the God who loved you enough to send My Son to die in your place. I 
am the God who knew every detail of your life while you were still 
developing in your mother's womb, before you ever took a single action.  
I know every thing you will ever do or say, and I know every sin you will 
ever commit, because I see in all times at once.  Knowing all of this, I 
still reached out My hand to you; I allowed you to embrace it and to 
receive My salvation.  Do you really think that there is something that 
you could suddenly do now that would shock Me?  Do you think you can 
disappoint Me to the point that I would want to break fellowship with you?  
Of course not! I know all things and you have been thoroughly and 
completely known. And I love you.  

So do not allow those type of concerns to keep you from drawing close to
Me.  Know that I am a God of My word. When I said that I have cleansed you
from all unrighteousness, that includes the unrighteousness that you just
repented of this morning and still feel dirty about.  

Child of Mine, do not allow your failures or your shortcomings to keep 
you from pressing into Me.  Draw near and experience My love for you, for 
I am the God of love.  Draw near to Me and experience My love afresh. 
Become secure in My love for you.

Yes, there are times that I chasten those whom I love.  There may be times
when it is necessary for Me to correct you.  But the faster you run back 
to Me and embarce My ways, the less likely it is that I will need to 
chasten you.  Yet even when I do have to discipline you, My correction is
gentle and it is never to destroy you. It is to set you back on the right
course, to restore you to right relationship with Me.  

What parent among you hates his child when the child misbehaves and has 
to be disciplined?  That is not normal, is it?  You discipline your 
children because you love them and want them to grow and mature in the 
way they should go.  I am the same with My children.  And I say to you 
that there are some dysfunctional parents who withdraw their affection 
from their own as a punishment, to show their disapproval.  But child, 
I am not a dysfunctional parent. I am perfect in love and My love for 
you is perfect, even when you do not behave perfectly.  

I will not reject you or push you away when you run back to Me.  

Yes, I do discipline out of love, but the purpose of that discipline is 
to restore.  And the faster you respond to Me, the lighter the discipline 
will be.  So never fear My discipline and do not run from Me. Instead run 
to Me and receive My love and My grace and My forgiveness.  If you are 
dirty, then I will wash you and cleanse you and set white robes of 
righteousness upon you.  So never use feeling guilty or dirty about sin 
as an excuse to pull away from Me.  Instead, run to Me quickly and be 
instantly purged of it.

Child, I love you and I desire for you to be in close and right relationship
with Me. I want to show you more of Myself, and of My nature and of My 
character.  I want to lavish more and more of My love upon you, and I want
to hold you in My embrace.  Child, I will not force you in this area; you 
must come to Me willingly.  So come to Me and receive My love.  Draw close 
to Me and I will draw close to you.  I have loved you with an everlasting 
love and My plans for you are good, that you be filled with peace and joy 
and hope in Me.  Therefore, any time that you feel far from Me, stop 
walking away.  Turn around and run back to Me, and know that I will receive
you with open arms and embrace you.  

I love you child, so draw close to Me.