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Date: Jun 12, 2002

This word is submitted by David Apel (apelexc@mcmsys.com)


                          Fire From Heaven

For in these days, my people, my prophets shall stand on the mount as 
Elijah did and they shall stand before the prophets of Baal. For you 
have had great victories, but in these days you shall stand for all to 
see and you shall call forth fire from heaven and the fire shall come. 
And the fire shall not only be to purify and to burn up and consume the 
sacrifice, but the fire shall come forth and it shall burn up the 
shackles of bondage that have held you way to long. And those shackles 
have often seemed too difficult, but I tell you, those shackles have 
also kept you in place and you have stood where I desired and not moved. 
But now is the time for my fire to come forth and release you from you 
bondage's, your shackles, and you shall come forth in full power. And 
all shall see my power in these days and they shall see how my people go 
forth unhindered and they shall marvel and great will be the return of 
my investment in you. For you are my people that I have chosen. Make no 
mistake about that! So stand and watch and see my glory and my fire come 
forth and deliver you and allow you to walk fully in what I have for 