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This word is submitted by Jan Foresman (TrueAwe1@aol.com)

Behold My Bride

Dearest children of the Most High and Living God,

It is My good pleasure to form My character in you. To give you the hope of glory and the wonder of My Presence. Look for Me in all things, and all thoughts that pass through your mind should first pass through the holiness and presence that is in My Mind, causing them to be conformed to My will. This is good that you should obey My commands, and do what I have told you in My Word.

My beloved, I need to let you know how much I love you. My hope for you, my children, is set on high. Behold, My Bride, I form Christ in you by the sacrifice and blood of My Son. I call out to your hearts daily, willing that you should devote your lives and passion for holiness unto Me. Truly I want to be with you My beloved Bride. I am greatly desirous for you to know Me and spend time with Me. I desire for you to wake up with Me on your mind. To walk with me in the day, and to draw you unto me deeply in the hours of the evening.

My joy for you is found in heaven where we will be together as one in the ecstasy of My Love. You shall eat of the fruits of the Tree of Life, you who are overcomers in the power of My Spirit. My Living Waters shall pour out upon you in abundance, waterfalls that are glorious and true unto life eternal and joy with Me. Before My throne, are set many living stones. They are precious and living because they are made alive by My power. They sing the songs of a wondrous sea and flow with My Presence. The Fountains of Living Waters cause a rainbow of glory to shine at My throne above. Come and see the glory that My Son has as He roars as the Lion of Judah. By His overcoming blood and sacrifice, the overcomer shakes the world.

My glory is manifesting, children. My glory is manifesting so that I shall show My purposes above and in this earth. All my plans are unfolding and forthcoming. In My wisdom, I shall shine forth My glory, and bring forth My honor as I return for My Bride. Watch, you who are wise. Make the watchmen ready! Look, I come, even unto the ends of the earth. I shall remake the earth and the heavens, which will shine forth My glory! Be prepared My children. Be prepared!

In His Spirit,

Jan Foresman