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Date: June 10, 2010

This word is submitted by Wendy Graham [wendy4c@primus.ca]


Word Submitted by: Wendy Graham (wendy4c@primus.ca)

                       I Am Over America

     For who is he that overcometh the world, but he that believeth 
     that Jesus is the Son of God?" -- 1 John 5:5 NKJ

I am now hovering over America and I will do a work of My Spirit. Just 
as the eagle is renowned for her miraculous eyesight, I will go to and 
fro throughout the land of America and I will search the land for their
strongholds and seek out that mountain. For My spirit will hover and 
linger over those waters and over that mountain. I will peer into the 
hearts of the people, to shake what needs to be shaken that have caused 
My people to lose their focus on the heavenly and spiritual things. 

I will become prominent in the land as I fly in up front and close. I 
will cause an unsettling in those seas so that she might give up the 
dead things that are held within her. 

I will cause a stirring of My waters so that the souls of men will 
surface. Then, in My keen eyesight and foresight, I will swoop down 
into these waters and stake My claims to her, to bring these souls 
onto Myself. With erected talons, I will surely plunge into these waters
and take from her those I plan to use as spiritual food for my Kingdom 
plan and purpose. 

By My Spirit, I will cause a revival in the land of America, to carry 
these souls from her famine so that they may be brought into prosperity 
and into My kingdom. I will lead these ones out of the turbulent sea 
and out of desolation, to bring My people up to the greater heights so
that they may take their positions on My Holy Mountain. They will be 
high and lifted up, so that the world may behold them and know that 
they are in Me. I will bring these souls into prosperity of My kingdom 
in these lands, and it will be my great catch of the day.

I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, and I am over 
America. From here, I will make My way from this place into the 
countryside and into foreign lands.