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Date: June 9, 2009

This word is submitted by Bill Hardaway [WKent1954@aol.com]


                    Submit To Me

My people, I love you and I desire so much to care for you. Yes, I love
you without measure, more than you can imagine. And because of My great
love for you, I will allow you to participate with Me to accomplish
My plans and purposes. Yes, I will work My glory through you. But it is 
not up to you how I decide to use you or how much I display My power 
through you--it is up to Me. 

So submit to Me and obey Me. For as you submit to My Spirit, you will 
see the miracles that you have longed desired to see pour forth from 
your hands as I work through you.

Remember, it is not your will that is done, but My will.