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Date: Jun 9, 2004

This word is submitted by Bill Hardaway (WKent1954@aol.com)


                       My Desire For You

I wanted to let you know how pleased I am with you. You always bring joy 
to My heart and a smile to My face. You are aware of the strength and 
guidance that I provide you with. You are aware when I desire to bestow 
My presence upon you and draw near to you. You are aware of a great many 
things. But what you are not aware of is how much I miss you in the 
separation when we are apart. I miss you when you cut short our time 
together because you become distracted by obligations and the cares of 
this world.  I miss the truer closeness that I desire to have with you. 

I am about to provide you with a sense of new awareness of My presence 
while you are doing everyday tasks and chores. When you become overtaken 
by earthly desires, I will remind you of My heart's desire for you. My 
heart's desire is to allow you to know Me in a much deeper way than you 
presently do. My desire is to infuse My presence into you so greatly that 
we are never separated, no matter what may come your way through out the 

So rest and wait upon Me. You are about to sense My love in a much greater 
way than you ever have before. My peace shall overcome you, my love shall 
surround you, and my rest shall encompass you. You have desired to know 
Me in a much greater way. That desire spurns from My heart, because you 
are My heart's desire. I love you and soon you will come to realize just 
how greatly you are truly cared for. You are the object of My love and 
affections. You are truly loved and truly desired and appreciated by Me. I 
am the lover of your soul.