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Date: June 1, 2007

This word is submitted by Judy Bauman [rivermistlighthouse1@comcast.net]


                     I Am Opening The Doors

You are coming into the seventh year and I Am opening doors that no man 
can shut.

When I open a door you must walk through it because once the time for it to
be opened to you has passed, it will be closed by Me and will not be opened

This is the season to obey immediately.
This is the season to rebuild the walls that stand in ruins.
This is the season to be released into your destiny.
This is the season of grace.

My grace is indeed sufficient enough. Be comforted in My love for you. I
will never drop you. I will never call you out on a limb and not support
it. I know it looks scary, but know I can easily hold you up in all I call
you to do and all I call you to be. Believe