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Date: May 31, 2004

This word is submitted by Teresa Seputis (ts@godspeak.org)


                          Everlasting Love

Child of Mine, I have loved you with an everlasting love.  And in My
love, you are secure. You do not have to earn My favor, I have already
poured it out upon you simply because you are Mine, simply because you
bear My Son's name.

I want you to love others as I have loved you.  I am pouring My love into 
you that it might flow out of you, as a river springing forth from your 
belly.  This river is meant to refresh the weary, to give life to the 
dying, to restore the wounded soul and to bring them to know My Son.  
This river of My love is to flow out of you with authority and power, 
that lives may be changed as My love operates through you.  And just as 
men lost in the desert will follow a stream to lead them out, so My love 
flowing out of you will lead the lost to Me. It will turn sinners to me
and it will transform their lives.

But if My love does not flow into you, it can not flow through you and 
out to others.  I have commanded you to love others as you love yourself.  
And you must love yourself in order to obey that command, for you can not 
love yourself until you begin to receive My love for you.  

Therefore, you must set aside the things that inhibit you from receiving 
My love.  Set aside rejection and fear; they have no more place in you. 
They only keep you from fully accepting My love for you, that you in turn 
can not love others.  Set aside condemnation and guilt, for they have no 
place in My beloved.  Set aside the worry that I will disqualify you and 
that I am displeased with you. Those are remnants of condemnation and 
there is no place for condemnation in the lives of My children.  

The blood of My Son has cleansed you from all iniquity, it has taken away 
all your sin.  So what is left to condemn or to disqualify? What has My 
Son not taken care of on your behalf?  He has not left anything undone. 
There is nothing that can separate you from My love for you, if only you 
are willing to receive it from Me.  

So child, receive My love. Let it flow into you, that it may saturate 
your being and fill you to overflowing. Then it will begin to flow out of 
you and it will begin to affect others. This is how I desire to empower 
you to obey My Son's command to love one another.  I desire to saturate 
you so much in My love and in My acceptance.  Once you are fully secure 
in My love for you, you will be truly free to love others.  For my love 
will overflow you and pour out of you and become a spring of life to 
those who are around you. 

So child of Mine, receive My love.