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This word is submitted by Jan Foresman (TrueAwe1@aol.com)

Satan meant for harm .. but I have turned it around for good

PROPHECY GIVEN Re: Murders in Colombine High School

My beloved children, there is nothing that can happen in this world or in the heavens that I can not use to make my will happen. I place the power of my countenance upon all things. Are you surprised? Satan meant for harm what happened for he knows his time is short. But behold, I have turned it around for good. It will grow and grow the good I shall provide. Just like the small amount of fish and bread that I multiplied to feed the five thousand. I shall multiply this circumstance, and five thousand times the good shall come from the evil. I say that I shall have the predominence in all things.

What is impossible for me? Is there any place I cannot reach? Nothing is hard for Me. Everything that is happening is moving toward my purposes. I who am the great revealer of all things, I am revealing something new in the pouring out of My Spirit upon your sons and daughters. I am pouring out My Spirit like a wave upon this generation. There shall be a renewal of faith in Me. It shall spread like a tidal wave, as I pour My Spirit upon them across this nation. Again, they shall honor and glorify My Son's Holy name. Be not surprised shortly thereafter at the greater persecutions that shall arise. But 'lo I am ever with you who I have called. I have prepared a place for those that are mine, and who stand fast until the end.

My children, I say be not afraid of men. They shall have their day. But I shall give you peace in the place of suffering. I shall give you annointing in the place of sorrow. I shall give you faith in the times to come, enough to overcome all the fear that shall attempt to come up against you. Remember, my children, that I, your Father, hold the power of the second death. Men can only kill the body, but I can wrend the soul into oblivion, and burn the unholy in the second death. They who are against me shall follow the path of destruction.

Be not afraid, my children, for I am for you. None shall stand against you and survive my wrath.

The unholy devise men's plans, and shall follow those plans unto their own destruction. Remember, He who lays down his life for me shall find it. He who seeks to keep their life shall loose it. I am with you who love Me, even unto the ends of the earth. Look for Me and keep your eyes on Me.

Humbly submitted in His Spirit,
Jan Foresman