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Date: May 29, 2002

This word is submitted by Loleen Denney (mdenney@wyoming.com)


                  Righteousness VS Holiness

You have Righteousness and Holiness as synonymous and they are actually 
two different things.  The confusion between righteousness and holiness 
has caused many to stumble.  Because of the shed blood,  righteousness......
right standing in Me......was paid for and it is a finished work.  

Holiness is an on going work.  Walking in holiness is a choice and an 
attainable goal by your choice.  Holiness is the desire to be like Me.    
Surrendering all that is you to the work of the Holy Spirit to purify, 
cleanse, renew, and change all of your personal wants, desires, and 
personality into My wants, desires, and personality.  

The mis-understanding of being holy in order to be righteous causes you 
My children to stumble, feel overwhelmed, and  defeated.  If you choose to 
see that your righteousness is a finished work and your ability to walk 
holy is a work in progress; then you would be much more victorious and 
successful in your walk with Me.

2 Tim 4:8    2 Cor. 5:21   1Peter 1:13-16