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Date: May 28, 2010

This word is submitted by Hui Cai [faith_cai@yahoo.com]


                  Your Offering on My Altar

My child, come into My holy temple and dwell in My holy presence. But 
first, let Me wash away your filth and impurities that you picked up 
from the influence of the world. Let Me wash you with the pure and holy 
blood of My Son, Jesus. 

Come, immerse in the blood that was spilled for you from the foundation 
of the world, and you will be clean. There is no sin too dirty and no 
thought too impure for the blood of Jesus. Its power has wiped away all 
your filth and dirt and clothed you in righteousness and purity. 

When you have bathed in My Son's blood and clothed in righteousness, you 
may now come into My holy presence to present yourself as an offering 
onto Me, a sweet smelling aroma that is holy and acceptable. Allow Me 
to consume your offering with My holy fire; do not withdraw from My 
consuming fire, even when it hurts the most.

Remember, I long to purify you 77 x 77 times, so that I may burn away
your dross of unbelief, pride, self exaltation and idolatry. I am your 
God. Apart from Me there are no other to refine you, to mold you and to 
give you a hope and a future. Let Me lead, Child as I bring you to the 
offering table to strip you of yourself and the worldly influence stuck
 on you. I will consume you with My holy fire and you will be purified 
as pure gold, to reflect My image. And as you prostrate before Me on My 
altar, Do not resist nor afraid of My consuming fire. 

My word says that I will discipline those whom I love, and I will set 
My seal of My Holy Spirit upon those who are My own. You are Mine, 
beloved child, bought with a costly price and redeemed with the blood 
of My own beloved Son. You do not belong to the world, so do not be 
grieved when you feel unfit, unwanted or forsaken by the world. 

I redeemed you to be My own so that you may become My child and My 
image bearer of righteousness and holiness. I have set you apart from 
the world so that you may burn brightly with My light. Why would you 
desire even for one moment to blend with the darkness of the world? 
You are Mine, beloved. Rest in My love.