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Date: May 27, 2008

This word is submitted by Nichole Marbach [Praisehim4ever70@aol.com]


                     The Book of Life Vision
I saw a vision. I saw a Christian man walking with his head down in  
shame. I saw Satan and his demons showing the man a scroll with all 
of his sins on it. They kept pointing to it, and condemning the man 
as he walked in  shame.  

I saw the man go to read his Bible. However, the enemy came in and 
showed him the scroll with all of his sins, so the man felt too ashamed  
to read the Word. 

I saw this same man try to put on praise and worship  music, but the 
enemy came in and showed him the scroll, shouting condemning thoughts 
to him, and the man abandoned the idea of worship.  I saw this  same 
man walking into church, but the enemy showed him his scroll and the  
scrolls of others, that had a lot less sins written on them. The man  
walked out of the church in shame.  

Then, suddenly, I saw Jesus appear, as the enemy was condemning this 
man. I saw Him show Satan and his demons the nail holes in his hands. 
I heard Him say, "And I will forgive their wickedness, and I will 
never again remember their sins" (Hebrews 8:12).  The enemy left.  

I heard Jesus say to the man, "Son, where are your condemners?" And 
the man said, "They left."   

Then Jesus said, "I will  never show you this scroll." He took out 
the Book of Life and opened it, and showed the man his name in the 
book. He said, "I have come to give life, not to condemn. I was 
condemned at the cross for you, my child. Go in peace and live the 
abundant life that I so freely gave you."