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Date: May 27, 2005

This word is submitted by Inez Brinkley (ibrinkley@jam.rr.com)


                     Blessings for Obedience
See child, I am setting before you today blessings for obedience.  You 
have chosen to walk the path I have set before you, and I am well pleased.  
Now I will begin to shower down all the blessings I have had to withhold in 
the past.
My way is the way of righteousness, and we will walk it together, hand in 
hand.  I will never leave your side.  If you feel Me gone, it will be 
because you moved, not I, for I am faithful and I do not lie.  Open your
eyes and ears and watch.
O, My precious one, I have waited a long time for you to set your feet on
My path.  You have endured many trials but you have grown through them.  
Now we are one.