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Date: May 23, 2003

This word is submitted by Jane Larsen (jlarsen65@hotmail.com)


                        Like Talcum Powder

I had a vision of what looked like a talcum powder container.  It was tilted 
and very fine, white powder came out and gently blew down to the earth.  At 
first I saw only a few specs of the white powder, but as the container 
continued in it's shaking, the earth became whiter and whiter until it was 
covered in a thick blanket of white.  Then the Lord moved this in me:

Now you see your works in My Name as a few grains that have made no 
difference.  Now you see them as so small that it hardly mattered.  No, I 
say.  Continue.  Continue in the works you are doing and do not falter.  Now 
you see a little, soon you will see more.  Soon you will see how each drop 
that you give for Me will make mighty rivers, raging waterfalls.  Look at 
the small brook.  Do you not know that it runs into a mighty sea?  Will this 
be the end of what you have started?  No.  You are only at the beginning.

Continue to give, drop by drop, for I take that drop and I multiply.  I make 
much out of what you give.  Give love to others.  Open their hearts to 
receive and I will work.  Give time to those who are in need, and I will 
multiply that time and plant seeds that will endure.  Do not walk away from 
one who cries out to you.  Take time to stop and minister.  Drop by drop, 
give.  Give and it will be given to you.  Have I not promised this?  Have I 
not said this?  Am I man that I would lie?  No, I am God who was and is and 
always will be.

What you do is seen by Me.  Each drop you give, each furrow you make, each 
word you use, is growing and building what your eyes cannot yet see.  Your 
foundation is in Me and I am strong.  What you think you cannot do, I will 
enable you to do.  Drop by drop you will see a mighty outpouring come before 
you.  Give.