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Date: May 19, 2004

This word is submitted by Jane Larsen (jlarsen65@hotmail.com)


                       The Hidden Gift

I had a vision of something covered in white tissue paper.  As I watched,
the tissues moved away to reveal a small wooden box.  It was pale wood and
the wood appeared quite thick.  The closed box remained there in my vision
for some time, and when it opened, there was a white flower inside.  This
flower was alive and growing and was very beautiful, though it could grow 
no higher than the top of the closed box.  Later as I pondered again on 
this vision, the Lord gave me this word:

Do not hide away the gift that I have given you.  Do not close it up and 
do not cover it, but set it free and let it live so it may grow and bless
others.  It is not a gift just for you, but a powerful way to bless and 
to strengthen all that it touches.

See, even in a dark and small place, your gift will not die, but how can 
it grow and how can it mature if it is not allowed into the light.  Oh 
child, this is just the beginning, from here it will move on, from here 
much will be done, but you have to set it free so it can live and grow 
and thrive.  Do not worry about what you will do with it, about how this 
will all come about.  I have given it to you and I will see it through.  
Now you walk with small steps, now you are unsure, but as you let Me move 
in this area, you will see the abundance that will come from this small 
step.  Do not worry about the things you cannot see.  If you could see 
them now then how would your faith grow?  As your faith grows, as you 
step out, then, too, shall you see what it is I have planned for this 
gift that is yours.  I would not give you a gift with no value; I would 
not give you something of no use. I give to you more than you can see or 
comprehend at this moment.  Just let go and trust in Me.