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This word is submitted by Jackie Quattrocelli

Good Enough

There is a great enemy to the perfect will of God. It is called "good enough". Good enough keeps us from pressing in to the best God has for us. "Good enough" keeps us in complacency. "Good enough" keeps us dull when God wants us on the cutting edge. "Good enough" can allow pride to dreep in ever so slowly.

But there is a FIRE that will cleanse away "good enough". There is a holy flame that can change our lives completely. There is no reason to fear this flame. The FIRE of God will come even when unwanted. It comes at the bidding of God alone. The FIRE comes in the timing of God. Nothing is the same after the FIRE comes. Your life will neverbe the same. Everyone around you will know that the FIRE has consumed "good enough". It is obvious. No one needs to tell them.

So don't be afraid of the FIRE of God. Embrace it into your life and let it do the work that God has ordained for the FIRE to do.

On 3-6-99, my home and all of my earthly posessions were destroyed by fire. God has used this experience in so many ways. God is blessing us with better than what was good enough. It is a difficult process, but God is teaching me to reach out and give even in times of difficulty.
