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Date: May 18, 2009

This word is submitted by Teresa Seputis [ts@godspeak.net]


                      Don't Be Afraid

Don't be afraid to draw near to Me, dear one, for My arms are open wide
to receive you. I know you have been listening to the lies of the enemy.
He is telling you things designed to make you ashamed; designed to make
you afraid to come to Me, to make you think that you have somehow soiled 
yourself to the point where I don't want to hold you close anymore. But
you need to shake them off, for the things he tells you are designed to 
drive a wedge between us, and they are not true.

It is true that at times you are not "good enough;" and at times, you
are not "dedicated enough." At times you soil yourself with the things
of the world. But those things don't drive our relationship, and they 
cannot separate you from My love.

You have been accepted in the beloved, and the blood of My Son has been
applied to you. Because of that, you never need to separate yourself 
from Me in fear that I no longer want you close to Myself. It doesn't 
matter what you have done (or failed to do). The instant you run back 
to Me, you are received. All you have to do is to submit your heart 
and your will to Me. All you have to do is to make Me Lord once again; 
to purpose in your heart to obey Me and to do things My way from this 
point forth.

It is true that when you soil yourself, you are going to need a bath.
But that is what the blood of My Son has achieved for you. Because of
His sacrifice, you can be washed clean and presented pure before Me.
Yes, He has purchased your cleansing; that is true regardless of 
whatever you did or failed to do. Through Him, you are washed until 
you are truly clean and spotless, so you might stand fully forgiven 
before Me. That is why you can come into My presence without fear of 
rejection, knowing with a certainty that I will not push you away or 
turn My face from you.

It is true that when you misbehave, I will require you to make some 
changes in how you conduct yourself. But those changes will occur
after you run back to Me--for you cannot clean yourself up on your 
own in order to make yourself acceptable to approach Me. No, you 
cannot do this in your own strength, apart from Me. But if you will 
run back to Me, I will help you. My Spirit indwells you; He lives 
inside of you and He is busy changing you from the inside out. Yes, 
My spirit is at work in your life, actively transforming you to be 
more like Me. He will give you the strength to make any necessary
changes in how you act, and He will change the desires of your heart
to line up more closely with Mine.

Dear one, there is no reason for you to be afraid to run back to Me 
the instant that you notice you have wandered off and separated 
yourself from Me. You may have wandered away from My side. You may 
have dirtied yourself. You may have made some type of mistake that 
you feel has soiled you beyond redemption. But I have not changed. 
I am the same loving Father Who adopted you into My family and 
declared you accepted in the Beloved because of what My Son did for 
you on Calvary. Even when you make decisions that disappoint Me, I 
cannot stop loving you--for it is My nature and My character to love 
My own. 

You do not need to be afraid to draw near to Me. I will not push you
away--providing you run back to Me with a heart that is willing to 
embrace My ways. I will always receive you unto Myself and I will 
shower you with My grace and love. I will meet you in ways that amaze
and astonish you, and I will demonstrate to you how we might once 
again walk in a deep personal intimacy together. I will not hold the
mistakes of your past against you, nor will I push you away.

So stop listening to the lies of rejection and condemnation that the 
enemy has been whispering in your ear. Lay aside your fear and come 
to Me. Be afraid no longer, little one, and draw near to Me once 