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Date: May 17, 2010

This word is submitted by Gerdi Marais [laptop@raphacareer.co.za]



I love you with an everlasting love and no one can separate you from
this love. Reach out to Me to receive and don't hold back! The same
Jesus that healed, died, was resurrected & that same resurrection Holy
Spirit is here to bring to life in you, the Life He is!

Freely receive what is freely given. Today! Right now!

Now faith is rewarded because He is, and because you expect to be filled
with His Spirit again and again. So just receive His fire, and keep on
keeping receiving daily bread. It is the diet of champions...the the
Word that is Spirit and Life. The Word that turns water into wine.

Just receive. Knowledge without experience is dead. Receive the Breath
of God and life!