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Date: May 17, 2005

This word is submitted by Tom Bramhall (tommyb@knology.net)


                      For Those Still In The Valley 

Very strange. Do you forget from whence you came and to where I have 
promised you go?  You have colored the past. It was not that good and 
this is distracting you from your promised future. Yes, things are 
challenging now, but you seem to forget how far you've come. 

Why not look forward to our embrace? I could not speak to you and deal 
with you then as I can now.  We had just met and now we can talk as 
friends who know each other. Of course it seems like the magnitude of 
things to deal with remains the same, but you forget how your vision 
has changed so that you can see what you see. Why look to the past? 
Is it really better than your promised future?