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This word is submitted by Elanie Meyer (jm-em@iafrica.com)


Give Your Life To Me

I love you my child. I have given my life to you. Give your life to me. Leave your lower life at the cross and come away to follow me. I am your higher life. I am your light. I am your shield and your buckler. I am your stronghold. I am your refuge. I am your strength. Follow me. I will be your rear guard. Make use of me. I will be your ability.

Don't be fooled by others who come in my name saying: "The kingdom is here" or "The kingdom is there". Know this, the kingdom is within your heart. That is where I dwell. Not in buildings made by human hands. Not in cities. Not in palaces. I live in you. Worship me in my holy temple. I long to have fellowship with you. I crave for your fellowship. I am hungry and thirsty for your embrace. I have waited so long for this moment, for this time and place. The time is now. The moment has come for my children to know me face to face. For my children to melt away their fleshly struggles in my embrace. To become one with me. One with my purpose and plan to save the human race.

My children, come to me. Embrace me as a child his father. Come sit on my lap. Hold me close for I have many things to whisper in your ears. Listen for the still small voice. I will speak to each one of you individually. Do what you hear and you will be successful. Follow me and you will have more than enough. Do what I say and you will have abundant joy and satisfaction like only I can give. It is a glorious thing to do my will. You will be filled and satisfied like no human endeavor can satisfy if you follow me. You will be full and in perfect rest.

Just come to my living waters and receive abundance. I am here for the finding. YOU set the limits. I have no limits. You are so close as what you wish to come. There is no limits to the closeness that can be found in me. So come.... Come to me.... Don't hold anything back. As you pour out your pain before me I will heal your hearts. As you bring your burdens to me I will lift your load. As you unload your struggles before me I will sort them out. As you cry before me I will wipe your tears. As you rejoice before me I will join in in your dance. As you love me I will love you back.

Oh my children I am faithful. I will never leave you nor forsake you. Trust me. Trust me with EVERY aspect of your life and see how I make you successful in EVERY area. I long to be EVERYTHING you need. Leave all your earthly means behind and trust in my ways and in me to bring success to your life. I wish to make your life a flowing fountain of my grace. I wish to change your deserts in to flowing springs. I can only do this as you come to me and trust me. The measure of abundance in your life is entirely up to you. In me there is no limits. YOU set the limits for my life that flows through you.

So come my children. Come freely to my embrace.

Yours in Christ,
Elanie Meyer