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Date: May 11, 2004

This word is submitted by Chelsea McCarthy (majorholyspiritfan@hotmail.com)


                          Choose Freedom

My Dear Children,
I sent my Son, Jesus, to die not only for your salvation, but that you 
would experience true freedom and liberty through the power of my Spirit. 
Today, I declare unto you that your freedom has been bought at a price; 
it cost My precious Son His life. I desire that you would live a life of 
liberty and victory, that you would be rulers and more than conquerors 
in this life.

Just like Paul and Silas, when you praise Me and bring glory to My name, 
your chains will fall off and you will enter into a new level of freedom 
in Me. The anointing of My Spirit will destroy the yoke of bondage and 
release you from your captivity. You will no longer be unaware of the 
enemy's schemes, but you will overcome them. You will trample on snakes 
and scorpions, and nothing shall by any means harm you!

Today, I give you the choice to choose freedom. My children, I desire 
that you would live the life which I have promised you -- a life of 
triumph, power and abundance. A life where my glory would be evident for 
all to see.  I desire to see you set free and living a victorious life. I 
desire that you would rule in the heavenly places with Me.

So today, choose to live in the freedom, which I am offering unto you. 
"It's not by might, nor by power, but by My Spirit," declares the Lord.