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Date: May 7, 2010

This word is submitted by Stephen Bright [sphenstar@vodamail.co.za] 


                       My Manifest Presence

Now is the time and now is the hour that I am raising up those who will 
worship Me in spirit and in truth, for the Father seeks such to worship 
Him. As you clothe yourself with worship, your enemies will be at peace 
with you. Oh that you would focus on Me, and your circumstances will 
diminish right before your very eyes!

Remember I am the rewarder of those who diligently seek Me, and it is 
My good pleasure to give you the kingdom.  Now is the time to clothe 
yourself with a mantle of My manifest presence; so that your heart 
will be activated and filled, so your heart will speak out of a heart 
that is convinced, and you shall declare a thing and it shall be so.

Clothe yourself with a mantle of My impenetrable power, for the days are 
dark. You need to fortify yourself and to build an inner fortress of 
Christ in you, which is the Father's hope of glory. Oh that you would 
radiate, reflect and refract the divine motive and intent of the Father!

I will increase your authority and you will be able to conquer, as you 
walk in a conditioned lifestyle of obedience. You will be able to take 
real ground and spiritual territory. I know that you have had to face 
more battles recently than any other time. But I also know full well 
that you can handle them and prevail, and the ground that you conquer 
today will enable you to aid and assist others tomorrow.

Be like Joshua. He and inhabited his territory of the promised land after 
he spent times of refreshing and fortification in the tangible manifest 
power of My presence. I want you to do likewise, so you can be empowered 
to conquor your own promised lands. Continue in My prevailing power of 
My manifest presence.