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This word is submitted by Tammy Gelis (TGelis9638@aol.com)


This was a vision/word the Lord gave me yesterday that I just give for you all to hear and judge.

The Castle and the Drawbridge and the wall

This morning the Lord gave me a vision of a castle...this castle was a place of safety, a place that many could run and be safe. A place of authority and kingship. Being in the King's company and about the King's business. The Castle was very large and had many many rooms in it to reside in, to rest in, to function in.

I believe the castle as well represents the churches where the King of King dwells. Where he is the ruling authority and King over everything that goes on. In this vision there was safety and rest under his rulership, his kingship. That is where we need to abide, and function in and under.

Then I saw this one castle that the drawbridge kept going up and down, up and down and each time it went down...saw many just flooding over the drawbridge and into the castle and there was excitement in the castle to the numbers that were coming in. But I kept hearing caution to pull up the drawbridge...for you know not who and what you are inviting in. Kept hearing him say keep the drawbridge up....guard what comes in and out, of your churches, even your own hearts and minds where I dwell.

Then I saw the walls of the castle and the army of intercessors walking on top of the gate. The prophetic intercessors standing and watching and watching closely and seeing and warning of the enemies next attack. From the wall in this vision there was a passageway that led to the controls of the drawbridge and the only ones that were allowed to control it was those that live up on the wall. For they know what is coming and what is good and not good. Trust those I have put on the walls of the castles. They are there to protect you as they see. They are there to speak to you what they see and what I tell them to say. You will know those I have placed there....I will make it very clear to you. Do not look at them strange or push them aside cause they may not look right or act right. Judge not by outward appearance but by the closeness they have with me, the intimacy they have with me. Open your ears and hearts and listen to them. They play a very important part and I have entrusted much to them. I have not left you uncovered and with no one watching and protecting the castle. Incorporate them, include them in your decision making. They are concerned only for your safety and the castles safety and that I remain King of it. I have set my prophets and my intercessors in place. Will you not recognize and see who I have placed in your midst to help you, to guide you to keep you safe. To keep that drawbridge up till they know it is time and it is safe to let it down. Accept them, draw alongside them let them be who I am calling them to be on the wall.

To the prophets and intercessors I heard:

Do not take lightly what I have called of you to do. You have been in intense training and a place of much fire, for I need for all that would remain or come forth from you be from me and nothing of yourselves. To stand upon the wall as I have called you to do, you must set aside you....set aside your selfish ambitions....and seek me only...seek my will only. Remain in my presence. Do not try to put on any other garment other than the garment I have put on you and do only what I tell you to do. Not one bit more or less. When I give instructions and words complete them, speak them only as I have given them to you. I desire humility and integrity from you. That all would be able to look and see your pure heart before me. That others would trust you and my words that I desire to speak through you because your life before me is one of humility and honor. There is no more time to play games on my wall. My church, my castle is under major attack ....now is the time to stand firm. Though you may be tired..it is not time to lay down and rest. It is a time to raise up a standard and declare war against the enemy. It is time to do battle and see those in my castle walk in health and victory. Rise up you prophets and intercessors. Wake up!!! And fight and speak, warn the people of what you see. Guard them, open your eyes and your mouth and see and speak that which I give you to speak. Do not be afraid I will bring favor where favor is due that they will hear you and listen. Just do all I have asked you to do. Remain awake and alert. See as the enemy comes...but watch as I raise up a standard against him and win the victory. Encourage my people to stand, encourage them to take back that which rightfully belongs to them....all that I have given to them. Guard my castle. Be not afraid nor sleep. Be alert and do all I ask you to do. I have entrusted much into your hands..handle it wisely, with my wisdom and speak only in my authority ...none of your own. Humble yourselves and I will exalt you. You will see safety and rest come to the castle. Trust and doubt not. Keep your eyes and focus totally on me and you will not fall off the wall but will remain strong. I am victorious. I am the King of Kings.