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Date: May 2, 2006

This word is submitted by Debi Thomas (debilthomas@yahoo.ca)


                            I Am
I am your friend, and your teacher. I impart My wisdom to you daily. I am 
teaching you My ways. I am taking you deeper into Myself. I am the truth. 
I am showing you more of My character. I am love. I am the way. I am 
wisdom. I will teach you many new things.  I will show you great truths in 
My word, things that you have not previously understood. 

I am your healer. There is nothing too hard for Me. Rest in My promises. My 
promises are yea and amen.  I took all sickness upon Myself. I've redeemed 
you from the curses that came upon mankind at the fall. Apply My blood to 
the door-post of your hearts. I have given you My mind. I am the truth. I 
am the word. I am your Righteousness. I clothe you with Myself. I am your 

Rest in Me. I am leading you beside still waters. I am gentle and kind. I 
never force. I lead. I am the door, the good shepherd. I am taking you to 
luscious green pastures, where you will find rest for your souls. Be not 
weary in well doing. I am with you. I give strength to the weary ones. I 
carry healing in My wings of love, the Balm of Gilead. Reach out to receive 
from Me. I am the God of restoration. Abide in My love. Remain in Me and 
you will bear much fruit. 

I am the vine. I am love. All you say and do, do with a heart filled with My 
love. Then you will see people as I see them, through eyes of love. Not with 
condemnation or criticism, but with eyes of mercy. I love all people with 
an ever-lasting love. I am the righteous judge. I know your hearts. I am 
pruning and transforming hearts. Yield yourself to Me. I am perfecting you, 
transforming you into My image. Abide in Me this day. I love you.