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This word is submitted by Tammie Gelis (TGelis9638@aol.com)


The Belt

I was seeing a belt and the importance of being guirded with a belt. The importance of keeping ourselves pure and wholesome. The importance also of keeping ourselves covered not letting many into the private and intimate areas that are meant just to be between you and the father. Just keep hearing to keep watch on what we let near.

The Lord told me that the belt that he was robing us with was the belt of truth and the way to get to know the truth is to get to know him more ...the more we know him the more we know truth

My truth will protect you. For I am the truth !! I have called you to be like the belt to my body. Bringing forth my truth... my words . In bringing forth those truths I have called you to cover..not expose . I have called you to protect and show them the need to protect and cover themselves and be clothed with me. I have called you to bring forth my truth but bring it forth in my love. My love covers a multitude of sins. Even when I do expose I expose not for others to see their nakedness but expose to reveal to them alone what areas I desire to heal and cover with my love and my grace. By my truth many will be set free. It is nothing you can do only something that can and will be done through my word , my truths, my revelation to them.

Do not fear what man can do to you as you speak these truths. Let truth be the guide for you, the measuring stick. Whatever is true and honest think on these things . Speak my truth, live my truth.

The last thing I was seeing was that the belt goes around the waist is right in the center of the body and so should be truth be...the center of the body, what all things should be centered around. If it is my truth know I will do all I say I will do. Trust me , trust my words ..lean on them. You shall know the truth and truth shall set you free and that same truth will set many others free too . Walk in my truth. Walk in my light and in my life. Gird your waist with truth and then gird my body with this truth too.