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Date: Apr 27, 2010

This word is submitted by Israel Froess [israelfroess@gmail.com]


                      I Promise

Comfort; comfort My child, for though you are lashed by many storms I
encourage you to strengthen yourself in the Lord. Make strong your
weakened knees that you may not be blown over. Be steadfast and humbly
receive the imperishable seeds of My promises, which have been implanted
into your spirit, by the Holy Spirit.

My word has gone forth from My mouth, and just as the rain and snow 
come down from heaven and do not return without watering the earth. So 
as it is with what I have spoken, for it will not return empty; but it 
will accomplish what I desire and achieve its purpose.

My child turn your focus away from the limited view of the natural, and 
look into the eternal truth of the Spirit, by the Spirit. Take hold of 
those promises given, for in My timing you will begin to see the seeds 
bud and flourish into full maturity. Therefore welcome your promises 
from a distance, and greet them as if they were already knocking on 
your front door.

Your voice is heard in the heavenlies child of the Most High. Therefore 
come into agreement with the promises of Christ and speak "Amen" to 
them. Rest and be assured that it was I who spoke to you these promises 
in the night, when deep sleep fell upon you, and you slumbered in your 
bed. Therefore be patient in this present time of suffering in the flesh, 
and persevere as Job did. For because I am full of compassion and mercy, 
you will soon see what I am about to bring about. I promise!