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Date: April 27, 2005

This word is submitted by Ray Puen (raypuen@sbcglobal.net)


                        Use What You Have

Do not envy the one who preaches powerful, moving sermons or sings songs 
that touch the heart. Applaud them for what they do with what they have 
to glorify God. But don't say, "I don't have what they have, and what 
little I have isn't worth cultivating."  Stop.  Isn't that burying your 

Neither say, "It doesn't seem fair." Do not compare what you have with what 
others have for I have distributed to each one as I will and according to
each person's ability. To each, what they receive is in the fullness of 
their ability to manage and My provision of grace. 

I know your desire to glorify Me and your abilities as a steward.  And so 
I have equipped you with the right amount and mix of gifts and talents 
that, when properly used, will bring glory to Me. They are uniquely yours. 
When used, they will bless others and glorify Me. So cheerfully use them. 

	Matt. 25:15:  
		And to one he gave five talents, and to another two, and 
		to another one, to each according to his own ability.