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Date: April 25, 2007

This word is submitted by Wendy Logan [nebiyah20@charter.net]


                   Be Still and Know that I Am God

There is a place of being still and knowing that I am God. Learn to find
that secret place in Me, for it is in this place that you will find all
that you need. Here is My secret dwelling place, where you can dwell in
the shadows of the almighty. When turmoil's of life come to toss you to
and fro, it is here that you learn to say 'Peace be still.' It is here
you will find the meek and gentle spirit that will win the lost souls
of the world.

As you are still and know that I am God, you will find the healing that
you have longed for. Each and every person has needs, and those needs
are met already in the spirit. But as you come here to Me, this is
where your direction and strength comes from. Here is where your wisdom
comes from.

For as you wait on Me, My Spirit will fall upon you. Yes, everything
that you need is here right now; this is the place that I have longed
for you to come to. This is the place of inhabitation instead of just
a visitation, the place where you dwell in My presence. It is here in
intimacy with Me that impartations take place. It is here that the
shield of protection is built up around you. It is here that I raise
up a standard against your enemy when he raises up against you.

It is in this place of habitation that I fill you up with My new wine.
I don't pour into you so that you can bottle it up and keep it for
yourself, but so that you can pour it out into others. So, continue
to come here. Come higher. I am strengthening you here. I am showing
you purpose and destiny.

This place of intimacy is where you learn to trust what I shown you,
it is where you come to believe that I will fulfill the destiny that
I have promised to you. Yes, there will be times when you feel
inadequate, and without Me you are inadequate. But as you come here,
your mind will begin to be still and know that I am God. You will
know that I am without limitations, nothing is impossible to Me...and
as you come to this place of seeking Me and seeking My heart, then I
will unlock My strategy to you. I will unlock to you the secret manna
from above.

I am waiting for you now. Taste and see that I am good; be still and
know that I am God.