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Date: April 19, 2004

This word is submitted by Teresa Seputis (ts@godspeak.org)


                             Battle Weary

When you are battle weary and feeling tired and discouraged, remember that
I love you, not for what you do for Me, but because of your heart to serve 
and honor Me.  I do not expect you to always fight and advance My kingdom. 
There are times when I do not expect you to perform.  There are times that
I have ordained as rest for you.

Some of My own feel worthless, unloved or inadequate when they are not
performing up to what they believe their normal standards should be.  
And they fear that I am displeased with them because of that.  But I do
not think as man thinks, and I do not assign a person's value or degree
of love based solely on their performance.  And I do not want My children
to feel unlovable or unworthy when they are tired and weary.  I want them 
to rest and be refreshed. 

In fact, there are times when I command My dear ones to simply rest and
recover.  I created you and I understand your frailties.  I know that 
at times you will be weary.  I understand that at times you will not be 
able to do all that you usually do. I understand that at times you will 
not be able to advance and move forward -- there will be times when all
I expect of you is merely to stand. 

Child, your value to Me is not in the service that you perform for Me.
It is the other way around -- it is because I love and value you that I
allow you to participate with Me in the kingdom work that I am doing here 
on this earth.  I give you real kingdom work to do with Me, and I give you 
the anointing and empowerment to be effective in it because I love you.  
I know that you desire to be close to Me, I know that you desire to move 
with Me and that you desire to see My love and My power and My anointing 
flow through you.  And it is because of these desires that I have given you 
a destiny in advancing My kingdom.  However, your value does not come from 
your destiny -- rather I give you this destiny because I love and I value 

And child, there are times that I have appointed you to rest. You will
not be productive in your rest; you are not expected to be.  Do not be
discouraged in these times.  I do not want you to become too weary to walk
alongside of Me and to see what I am doing.  I do not want you to be too
tired to hear My voice when I speak to you.  I know that as soldiers in 
My army, there will be times when you will need "leave" or breaks to rest 
and be restored.  Do not feel guilty when I give these to you.  

Rest, child of Mine.  Rest in Me.  Do not seek to please Me by trying to 
do something that I have not tasked you to do. It pleases me more when 
you watch what I am doing and do only that.  Don't try to do more than I 
have assigned to you and don't try to make your tasks harder than they 
are. Believe Me, I know your capabilities and I will use you to your
full potential.  At times I will make demands of you and at times I will
call you to rest.  Do not make more demands of yourself than those that
I have put on you -- for I say that My yoke is not intended to be unbearable
or heavy.  It is intended to be light, that your joy might be full.

I know what you need, child of Mine, because I created you and I love
you dearly. And there are times when you need to rest.  At those times,
all I require of you is to rest and be restored and refreshed.  So do 
not feel guilty when I take you off of the front lines, as I don't want 
you to become battle weary in the times that I have ordained for you to 

Instead, use those times to be refreshed, that you might hear My voice
clearly, that you may gain strength for the next battle that I will
call you into.  Do not allow the enemy of your souls to make you feel
guilty in your times of rest.  Your value and worth is not determined by 
your performance -- it was determined when I sent My son to die on the 
cross to redeem you, long before you ever did a single deed for Me. And 
I ask you to demonstrate your love for Me by obeying what I command 
you to do.  So when I command you to rest, then rest and relax and be 
refreshed. Obedience in this will cause Me great pleasure, for I am
a loving Father who wants good things for you.