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Date: April 18, 2006

This word is submitted by Debi Thomas (debilthomas@yahoo.ca)


                      Compel Them To Come

I love the sick, the hurting, those in pain. How I long for them to cry out 
to Me. I want to hold them, and comfort them, and wipe away their tears. I 
long to embrace them, if they would only look to Me to meet their every need.

The world has naught to offer, just false hope and pain. I have come to 
give life abundant and free. Tell them of My love.  Tell them of My mercy, 
and goodness. Shine your light in the darkness, so they will see and believe. 
Be salt and add flavor to this world of sin. They are dying without knowing 
Me as their Savior. Rescue them. Throw out the life boats. Bring them in to 
My fold.

I am the Good Shepherd. I want to lead them to green pastures, and still, 
cool waters. Tell them, My children. Show the way to a hurting world. People 
need to know that there is hope in Me. I weep for the lost souls who follow 
the evil one, who refuse to come to Me, or do not understand how simple I 
have made My gift of salvation. It's not by works, they can't buy their way 
into My kingdom. It is a free gift, one that cost Me My life. Bring them in, 
My children, so they will be part of My family. I am all they need in this 
world and the next. 

Time is short. Compel them to come to Me and live. I give life abundant and 
free. I am the only way to the Father. My word is true. Tell them. Show them 
My love. Let them see Me in you, My children.