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This word is submitted by Jan Foresman (TrueAwe1@aol.com)


Dearest child,
I am here with you. Don't you know that? Do you not realize that I am with you? Are you hurting now? Then turn to Me and let me heal the pain with My Love and My Presence. Trust Me. Believe that I am here. Is it for others only that i speak? I call you. You! Think not that these things I say are for others only? Yet they are mine too. But this word i speak is for you. Would I answer you not? I am your true Love as you are mine. You have poured your love out to me. All that you are you have trusted Me with. I know your spirit, your mind and your soul. I am here with You. Do you trust Me? Really trust Me? Hold fast to Me. Give yourself to me. Withhold nothing. Do this by faith. Is there any place i cannot touch? No i know not any. I reach the deepest fathoms of your soul...places you do not even know exist in you. Look inside. I am in you. Deeper and I am there. You have been walking with Me for a while now. I have been moving in Your life. Let me do the working in you. Strive not. There you have offered yourself and I shall not dissapoint you. You want all of Me and all of Me You shall have. Not a part of Me but all that I am shall move in You and through You. In power, in love, in essence, You shall know that I am God. My holiness shall burn in you. Be prepared for I am coming. Be still. Be very very still. Listen to My voice for I am with you. Sense My Presence in You. Christ in you...I AM. My Holy Spirit fills you. I shall purify you and reform you into the very image of Jesus Christ, my beloved Son. I know you are willing, and I am able. Be not afraid. I chasten those I love. And I do love and adore you, My creation. My little one. I shall show you many things in the times to come.

My child. My sweet, sweet child. Have I not told you? Oh, how I love you. Oh how I love you so. Would i pour out my blood if i did not have a passionate and all-consuming love for you? Doubt not my love. For I cross an eternity to receive you. I suffered the torment and shame of My death on the cross for you. I bore the weight of your sins to spare you the agony and bring you to Me. It is finished with My death, burial, and resurrection. Doubt Me not. Doubt not the depth of My love. Let My love flow over you so you may know Me. Truly know Me. Come close to Me. Look at Me. Do you not see the love in My eyes for you, fair one. You have become a work of My hands. I pour my holiness into you. You have become a work of faith and obedience in Me. You are a new creature in Me. Walk as I walk, my beloved.

Do not be concerned with imperfection, but rather turn it all over to Me. I will not stop working in you. Rest in Me and stop striving. I do all things. You can do nothing without Me. Through Me submit and do My will. Do you love Me? Do you say "Yes?" Then feed my sheep. Do you truly love Me? You assure Me that you do. Then visit the poor and the blind and tell them of Me. Do you love Me? You say you do, but you walk by your neighbor in his need. Walk in the paths which I shall lead you and be not ashamed of My Name. Feed My sheep, my beloved one. The harvest is ripe. My Spirit has been preparing hearts. Beloved are the feet of those that preach the Good News. Be a light and shine so your brother may find His way to Me.

Ask Me anything in My name and I will do it unto thee. Ask and Ye shall receive. Pour out your desires unto Me. I wish to fulfill thy heart's desires, which have become My desires. Thou art one with Me. Thou art My bride which i shall wed in the times to come. I know thy fairness and thy beauty. Know thy Maker, and thy Lord. Be humble and I shall exhault thee. Know Me. Come close My beloved. I am thy God and thy shall be with Me forever. I claim you as My own. As the time draws near, I shall pour out My blessings. You shall receive to overflowing for I am a generous God.

The heavens and the earth shall pass, but i shall preserve thee as My beloved. Ye shall spend eternity with Me in the place I shall provide in My Kingdom. The splendor and beauty you cannot conceive of which i shall do. I shall bring it to pass. I alone know that which i prepare. But know this, the glory which i shall make for thee shall none be able to compare. It shall glow with My light and the light of a thousand stars shall not compare. It shall be a wonder to behold, even in the celestial realms. Know ye not that I am creator? And create I shall. The river of Life, bright and pure, as crystal, shall come from My throne and flow in the midst of the streets. All shall tremble at the beauty that they shall behold. A thousand times a thousand glories cannot compare with what I shall create, and am preparing for My love. Draw close to Me and be holy in Me. I clothe you in My glory. I surround you in My Love.

Enter in My presence and behold!! I am Holy of Holies, Maker and Finisher of Your Faith. Come close and know that I AM that I AM. All who come unto Me shall I give rest. Enter into the strait and narrow gate, all ye who are heavily laden. I shall give you rest. My yoke is easy and My burden is light. Come close and hear all ye who would be My own. Do that which I have spoken. Obey My Words all who would live in Me. He who would give His life to Me shall live forever. I am Your God. There is none other. Look closely and there I am. Enter in all who love Me into My House. Enter in ye who I call. Enter in and be Holy. Enter My children. I have forordained and set My hand upon My children. I know My children each intimately. Oh how intimately. Oh that My chosen would know how close I truly am to them. I come quickly. Arise My bride and adorn thyself with My Brightness and Glory. Behold, I come soon.

I am preparing for the times that were foretold. the time have been foretold. I shall come and take my own. There have been signs foretold. Do you not see these things coming to pass all around you? Do you not see My children. Be ready when I come. I am at the door, yes, even at the threshold. I send my angels before Me. I send My prophets before them. I am giving My Word to My church. I am sending out the call. I am coming...yes I am coming. Set yourselves in My ways. Let Me find You living as one who is Holy, walking as One who has Me in Your heart when I come. Let Me find your heart panting after Me. Let Me find My beloved in love. All these things are given in My Word. Does My wisdom reign in your hearts? Do You obey My sayings? Do them and be wise. Keep my Word in your heart. For the time is short, My beloved.